Golub-Kahan-Lanczos (SVDL)

The SVDL method computes a partial, approximate SVD decomposition of a general linear operator $A$.


svdl(A) -> Σ, L, [history]

Compute some singular values (and optionally vectors) using Golub-Kahan-Lanczos bidiagonalization [Golub1965] with thick restarting [Wu2000].

If log is set to true is given, method will output a tuple X, L, ch. Where ch is a ConvergenceHistory object. Otherwise it will only return X, L.


  • A : The matrix or matrix-like object whose singular values are desired.


  • nsv::Int = 6: number of singular values requested;

  • v0 = random unit vector: starting guess vector in the domain of A. The length of q should be the number of columns in A;

  • k::Int = 2nsv: maximum number of Lanczos vectors to compute before restarting;

  • j::Int = nsv: number of vectors to keep at the end of the restart. We don't recommend j < nsv;

  • maxiter::Int = minimum(size(A)): maximum number of iterations to run;

  • verbose::Bool = false: print information at each iteration;

  • tol::Real = √eps(): maximum absolute error in each desired singular value;

  • reltol::Real=√eps(): maximum error in each desired singular value relative to the estimated norm of the input matrix;

  • method::Symbol=:ritz: restarting algorithm to use. Valid choices are:

    1. :ritz: Thick restart with Ritz values [Wu2000].

    2. :harmonic: Restart with harmonic Ritz values [Baglama2005].

  • vecs::Symbol = :none: singular vectors to return.

    1. :both: Both left and right singular vectors are returned.

    2. :left: Only the left singular vectors are returned.

    3. :right: Only the right singular vectors are returned.

    4. :none: No singular vectors are returned.

  • dolock::Bool=false: If true, locks converged Ritz values, removing them from the Krylov subspace being searched in the next macroiteration;

  • log::Bool = false: output an extra element of type ConvergenceHistory containing extra information of the method execution.

Return values

if log is false

  • Σ: list of the desired singular values if vecs == :none (the default), otherwise returns an SVD object with the desired singular vectors filled in;

  • L: computed partial factorizations of A.

if log is true

  • Σ: list of the desired singular values if vecs == :none (the default),

otherwise returns an SVD object with the desired singular vectors filled in;

  • L: computed partial factorizations of A;

  • history: convergence history.

ConvergenceHistory keys

  • :betas => betas: The history of the computed betas.

  • :Bs => Bs: The history of the computed projected matrices.

  • :ritz => ritzvalhist: Ritz values computed at each iteration.

  • :conv => convhist: Convergence data.


Golub, Gene, and William Kahan. "Calculating the singular values and pseudo-inverse of a matrix." Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Series B: Numerical Analysis 2.2 (1965): 205-224.


Wu, Kesheng, and Horst Simon. "Thick-restart Lanczos method for large symmetric eigenvalue problems." SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 22.2 (2000): 602-616.


Implementation details

The implementation of thick restarting follows closely that of SLEPc as described in [Hernandez2008]. Thick restarting can be turned off by setting k = maxiter, but most of the time this is not desirable.

The singular vectors are computed directly by forming the Ritz vectors from the product of the Lanczos vectors L.P/L.Q and the singular vectors of L.B. Additional accuracy in the singular triples can be obtained using inverse iteration.


Vicente Hernández, José E. Román, and Andrés Tomás. "A robust and efficient parallel SVD solver based on restarted Lanczos bidiagonalization." Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 31 (2008): 68-85.